CVX Italia y el Sínodo para la Amazonía

13 Oct, 2019 | Ecología, Noticias

CLC in Italy, in collaboration with the Jesuits of the Residence of St Ignatius in Rome, hosts a delegation of 25 people from the Amazon (itinerant team) who participate in the various activities surrounding the Amazon Synod in the Vatican. Below is a sharing of one of their encounters, as relayed by Maria Letizia (CVX in Rome Coordinator):
Many resonances on the testimony of Fernando Lopez sj and sr. Laura from the Itinerant Team during the Community Day for the opening of the social year, Sunday 13 October. We are living in Kairos, and the Synod on the Amazon is a sign of it, but it must also be a time of announcement, of denunciation, time of prophecy.
The Amazon teaches us to live the union in diversity; it would not be healthy in uniformity; everything is connected, we are connected to the earth and to the life of creatures: that the Church knows how to live this theological principle, maintaining unity in diversity, especially within itself!
The Amazon jungle needs us, we who live in the city jungle. We could not survive without one another; are we willing to fight to defend the life of the green forest, even if so far from us?
This is a Special Synod, as Fr. Lanzilli explained, born of specific requests from episcopal conferences in the geographical areas concerned. Amazonia, new paths for the church and the integrated ecology, is the title chosen, given the themes that we have chosen to collectively deal with.
It’s no longer a church that visits, but a present church: the Synod involves everyone from below. The theme of integral ecology calls us to respect plurality and to let ourselves be enriched by diversity.
These in a nutshell are just some of the cues we heard.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that at the end of the day we felt our horizon widen and reach a little further.
Thanks again to everyone for the participation and the contribution given to the organization of the day. And a further thank you if you want to share your resonances with us.

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