The images of the Advent retreat for young people in Florida (USA)

16 Feb, 2024 | Youth

Last December, South Florida’s young adults’ community, Nachitos, led a Youth Advent retreat to help high schoolers prepare for Christmas. It was a day full of testimonies, activities, prayer, and reflection. Nachitos invited other volunteers from the Ignatian Spirituality Center and a young Jesuit Brother, Eric Couto, who shared about his calling to become a Jesuit Brother and how we can all find and serve God every day, even at a young age.

The retreat included four main talks about the Advent pillars: Hope, Faith, Joy, and Peace. The participants had the opportunity to reflect on their spiritual gifts and prepare for Christmas and the joy of the incarnation of Jesus as the most important gift to cherish and look forward to on Christmas day. A gift for them and their families, a promise of peace and everlasting love.

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