CLC Korea decides its course for the next four years

3 Jun, 2024 | National assemblies

After years of not holding an Assembly, 110 members attended

The biennial CLC National Assembly in Korea was held on March 23-24, 2024 and was attended by 110 committed members. The first face-to-face National Assembly in a long time was held over two days and one night. On the first night, we participated in the World CLC Day prayer meeting, reflecting on “Making All Things New” in Project No. 181, looking at the world through God’s eyes, and praying together that CLC could be a symbol of hope that makes all things new. The World CLC Day celebration that followed the Assembly was a time for us to fully experience the joy of living as CLC. We thank the Holy Spirit for bringing us together.

At the National Assembly, Ms. Tryphena Koh was discerned to be the next President. Following this Assembly, a new National ExCo was formed to serve for the next four years.

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