Support us
CLC and its apostolic works are supported by the contributions of our members and private donors. You can make a contribution by:
A Bank Transfer in Euros from all over the world:
- Bank: Banca Popolare Etica
- Bank branch: Filiale di Roma
- IBAN: IT 55 Y 05018 03200 000011358769
- Account Holder: “Comunita di Vita Cristiana Mondiale”
A Bank Transfer from all over the world:
- Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
- Account Number: 3888/95
- Name: Comunitá di Vita Cristiana
- Bank branch: Roma – Agenzia N°12 – Vía Circonvallazione Cornelia, 295 – 00167 Roma RM – ITALIA
- Swift Code of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio: SWIFT POSOIT22ROM