Progressio English 2022 No. 1 & 2

Our life as mission At the General Assembly in Lebanon (2013), the assembled delegates decided (after discernment) to invite the World Community to focus its actions on four frontiers: Globalization and Poverty, Ecology, Family and Youth. In the previous issue...

Progressio English 2020 No. 2

Even in times of pandemic, we have seen the efforts of so many who continue to bet on creativity and wish to remain united, in community, sharing, celebrating, accompanying. And perhaps that is why Adolfo Nicolás said: “The Christian is essentially communitarian....

Progressio English 2020 No. 1

It has become a time to rediscover the important things inside our hearts, and to realize that despite the individual circumstances which we are all experiencing, we can all feel our days with deep meaning, and with a prayer that carries trust and hope: We shall...